Nectar Sweet Apiaries is located in Howell, Michigan. We work with both seasoned and hobbyist beekeepers throughout the state, providing high quality bee packages and queens. We provide a wide variety of honey and honeycomb products. We also offer full pollination services for your farm or orchard.
Shawn Shubel is the veteran beekeeper here. In 2018 he celebrated fifty years of beekeeping. His fascination with bees began at a young age, when his neighbor invited him to help tend the bees. Since then, Shawn has gained knowledge and experience which allowed him to become a professional beekeeper and bring Nectar Sweet Apiaries to life.
We offer 3 lb. packages and a limited number of additional queens. Quantity discounts available to organizations.
3 lb. package - $145
Individual queens - $38
April 5 (tentative)
BEE SMART! Give your bees a head start to build up comb and population to be ready for the spring nectar flow! Call Nectar Sweet Apiaries for early season beekeeping advice.
To guarantee delivery, please send payment in full at least one month prior to your delivery date. Checks can be made out to
Nectar Sweet Apiaries and sent to Shawn Shubel at 345 Chilson Road, Howell, Michigan 48843
If payment is not received on time, your order is subject to cancellation. Thank you for your cooperation.
Package Introduction Class - NOT SCHEDULED FOR 2025
So you've purchased your equipment, gear, and finally your bees! Now what? This class covers the basics of getting your bees installed and settled into their new homes. Give us a call to secure your spot. Space is limited!
Please bring a veil, gloves, something to take notes with, any questions you have, and an open mind!
*By signing up for one of our classes, you assume all risk and responsibility for your own safety. Dates and times are subject to change.*
The scientific name for the honeybee is Apis Mellifera
Bees are vital pollinators
Our bees help pollinate many crops including apples, raspberries, blueberries, plums, pumpkins and more
An estimated 75% of flowering plants depend on pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds
There are five products produced by a hive: honey, beeswax, pollen, propolis and royal jelly
There are three types of bees in a hive: the queen, workers and drones
Bees go through four life stages: egg, larvae, pupae, and adult
Bees have five eyes
Bees have two stomachs- one is used to store what they have eaten and the other is used to store nectar to bring back to the hive
A strong active beehive usually has between 50,000 and 60,000 bees in the summer months
Bees communicate using scent pheromones and by doing a dance that tells the other bees where to find food - this is often called the "waggle dance"
There is only one queen bee in each hive
A healthy queen can live between three and five years
The queen is the only bee that lays eggs (normally)
She will lay around 1,500 eggs per day - there are many factors that influence this number including temperature, season, population and available food stores
Worker bees feed the queen a substance called royal jelly
Worker bees are always female
They live, on average, about six weeks
They have stingers
If a worker bee uses her stinger, she will die
Worker bees do all the work around the hive including cleaning, guarding, taking care of the queen, taking care of brood, storing pollen, nectar and honey, building honeycomb, and more
Workers gather nectar and pollen
They collect and carry pollen on their back legs to bring back to the hive
A worker bee will visit between 50 and 100 flowers in a collection trip
Pollen is used to feed baby bees
Drones are always male
Drones do not have a stinger
They are slightly larger than worker bees
They have rounder, fuller abdomens and have very large eyes in comparison to a worker
A drone's primary job is to mate with the queen
Drones die after mating with the queen
In the winter, the worker bees push the drones out of the hive - they are not as important as the workers and therefore the colony does not want to waste their honey stores on them
A single bee produces about 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in her lifetime
Bees produce honey by adding enzymes evaporating the water from nectar collected from flowers. They do this by flapping their wings, which has a drying "fan" effect
The flavor of honey is entirely dependent on which flowers the bees visited to create it
If properly stored, honey will never spoil
When honey crystallizes, it can be restored to a liquid by gently heating it
Honey has been found to have immense health benefits, including having antibacterial properties
Honey should not be given to infants because their bodies are not capable of processing potential bacteria that is naturally present in honey- this can lead to infant botulism
Do not use pesticides/insecticides in your garden or around your home; if it will kill an ant it will kill a bee. This also applies to spraying for mosquitos
Do not use weed killers that contain glysophate or similar chemicals - you can make your own weed killer by simply mixing 1 gallon of white vinegar, 1 cup of regular table salt, and 1 tablespoon of dish washing liquid
Ensure that the flowers and plants you purchase from big-box stores have not been treated with neonicotonoids- some stores will label, some do not. Neonicotonoids have been identified as harmful to bees and have been banned throughout Europe
Plant flowers that the bees like: aster, lemon balm, sage, lavender, verbena, zinnias, milkweed, etc.
Queen bee
Worker bee
Drone bee